7 Reasons Why a Digital Marketing Business is THE BEST Business To Start in 2019
Links to articles mentioned in this video:
35 Digital Marketing Statistics That Will Convince You to Advertise Online
In this video, I am going to share the 7 reasons why I think a digital marketing business is the best business to start in 2019.
#1 In Demand:
If you want your business to make money and success, there needs to be a need or demand in the market for it. Luckily there is a HUGE demand for digital marketing services! Our world is growing more and more on a digital level every day, and if businesses want to survive and find new customers, they will have to implement digital marketing strategies. Most smart business owners will hire this out, and this is where you come in! If you help businesses get more customers, and make more money through your digital marketing services, you will be in demand.
#2 Data Driven:
Why is this important? Very few businesses have the abilitiy to attach an actual number to your value like a digital marketing business does. This is why I think it’s one of the best businesses to start in 2019. For example, say you were running a video lead generation ad for a local gym. You can should that you brought that business X amount of views, leads, customers, etc. which will lead to $X amount of revenue. As long as your fee is smaller than the revenue you bring in for that business, you are giving them a positive ROI on their investment, and they will continue to hire you.
#3 Creativity
Digital Marketing does focus on the data and numbers but it also allows you to be creative. Whether you are taking photos, video, building a website/landing page, or writing ad copy, you have to be creative with this business to do well. When someone is scrolling on their Facebook timeline, it takes a creative mindset to be able to get them to stop and click on your ad.
#4 Low Start-Up Cost
All you need to get a digital marketing business started is a computer and an internet connection, and I’m guessing that if you are watching this video, you already have it! If you are just starting, watch as many videos as you can on YouTube about Facebook advertising, and then offer to do marketing services to as many local businesses as you can for free for two weeks. Once you get results, they will want to pay you on a retainer, and after that invest all of your money back in.
#5 Lucrative
You can make a lot of money in this business! But just like any other business, it takes a lot of time and hard work. Focus on the word “value” when you are selling your services. If you can help a business bring in $10,000 a month in revenue, there is no reason why you can’t be charging that client at least $3,000 because you are bringing the value!
#6 Scalable
Digital Marketing businesses can be scaled so much better than most businesses and that is because of the power of the internet. Imagine this- Say you worked with a local dentist and you had “cracked the code” and gotten them also results. I would immediately ask for a testimonial from that dentist, send it to as many dentists in other areas as I could, and implement the same exact strategies into their businesses, because you know it will work! Use the same targeting, landing pages, contracts, etc. You’ve already done the hard work, now pick up 5-10 more dental clients and make 5-10x the revenue!
#7 Work from anywhere with an internet connection
This might be my most favorite part about this business. You can work from home, at a coffee shop, or while you are on the road. That said, when you are first starting, don’t expect to have this much freedom. There is still a need for face to face today, especially when starting out.
So do I practice what I preach? Do I run a successful digital marketing business? Yes, and no…
You see I do make a full-time income from my business, but it is poorly run and inefficient. I lack focus, systems, and procedures to ensure productivity and growth.
That’s why I’m starting this channel. I will be documenting my journey as I rebuild my business, and on a bigger scale, my life, to start pursuing that life that I truly love. If you’d like to tag along, make sure to subscribe!