Autism and Parenting – Caring Hands | and Oh yes!… | The Global Digital Marketing Summit 2019
It is here Jamaica…global digital marketing summit 2019!!! – ONLY ONE MONTH AWAY
Erica is one special woman! And me saying this has nothing to do with the fact that she’s coordinating an epic digital marketing conference in Jamaica (The Global Digital Marketing Summit), where I will be one of the keynote speakers. You know me better than that. In addition to running her own business, and this conference, Erica is the mother of a child with autism. Autism appears to be on the rise globally, and the challenges facing parents of children with autism can be staggering. Especially in a country like Jamaica where facilities and services are limited. Based on her first-hand experience and desire to effect change in the world, Erica seeks to start a foundation called “Caring Hands” aimed at helping parents and programs which facilitate care for children with autism. Prior to our call, I had suggested that I hire a film crew while in Jamaica and that maybe we could visit the school her son attends and raise some awareness for her cause. What she didn’t know was that I was also going to volunteer the services of my agency to build her Caring Hands website. Her reaction was priceless, so I think I got the better end of the deal!
#JoinUsInJamaica #GDMS2019 #BIYF #BeBallzy
This Video Features:
Erica McKenzie
Certified Coach, Trainer & Speaker at John Maxwell Team
President & CEO, Creative Brands and Concepts
🌐 GDMS – The Global Digital Marketing Summit 2019 Jamaica:
Julian Smit
Director, J.D. Nevins Communications
🎵 Who Da Funk: “Shiny Disco Balls” –
—- SEO Notes —
Parenting a child with special needs, is especially hard work, period.
The Reality of Parenting a Child with Special Needs.
Parenting and Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Global digital marketing summit (gdms) is an online conference organising for digital elites professionals marketers and individual consultants
Global digital marketing summit 2019 – jamaica | julian smit keynote| global summit marketing
Global digital marketing summit-2019 | speakers
Global digital marketing summit | why attend?
There are unicorns in every corner of the online marketing world – unicorn ads, unicorn blog posts, unicorn webinars, unicorn emails.
Some online marketing techniques like blogging, email, and social networking may not involve a lot of direct costs.
Digital marketing is also referred to as ‘online marketing’, ‘internet marketing’ or ‘web marketing’.
You can use online marketing strategies to attract new customers.
If you’re an online marketing nerd like me, you probably do.
Many of those who deny a link between attachment parenting and autism stand to lose money if attachment parenting is shown to be harmful.
The following post, Attachment Parenting and Autism, has been submitted by … the AP Month 2009 blog carnival.
She writes for several top parenting sites and specializes in the topics of attachment parenting and autism.
Attachment Parenting and Autism How many of you use it.
Chris acts childishly due to a combination of permissive parenting and autism, not because he has an IQ of 70.
Here’s another essay, specifically about helicopter parenting and autism.
“helicopter parenting and autism”–iancommunity.
Therapeutic Parenting and Autism We’ve been attachment parents from the very start (hence the.
When my youngest son was diagnosed with autism eleven years ago, I knew almost nothing about parenting a child with special needs.
The idealistic public narrative that has emerged around parenting a child with special needs is further isolating.
Parenting a child with special needs, is especially hard work, period.
The Reality of Parenting a Child with Special Needs.
Parenting and Autism Spectrum Disorders.
A series of questions proposed to Temple Grandin by host Shannon Penrod as well as fans of Autism Live.
Listen to Autism Live episodes free, on demand.
Today parenting team contributor carrie cariello author of “i know what causes autism ” walks us through an afternoon with her son jack..