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Digital Marketing course in Chandigarh


Digital Marketing course in Chandigarh

Advance your #digitalmarketing skills with great courses that teach you digital marketing strategy and tactics. Learn from IT Experts, who trained in a very proper and professional manner.

Course Module:-
Digital Marketing and Overview
Website Planning & Creation
Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Marketing or Google Adwords
Google Analytics
Social Media Marketing
Facebook Marketing
LinkedIn Marketing
Twitter Marketing
YouTube Marketing
Email Marketing
Lead Generation
Online Display Advertising
Mobile Marketing
Content Marketing
Online Reputation Marketing
Digital Marketing Strategy

Who this course is for:
Anybody who would like to learn digital marketing
Anybody who would like to implement digital marketing for his or her business
Anybody who would like to grow his career with digital marketing
Anybody who wants to make money through digital marketing or AdSense
Those who are interested just give us a call for more information. {9988018988}
Hurry Join Antraajaal Academy

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