How to set the right goals for digital marketing? Aji Issac Mathew | Digital Marketing University
As a business leader or an experienced marketer, setting ROI focused marketing goals has always been the most crucial and challenging task in a business. However, while working with few of the most prestigious businesses worldwide, we have discovered a dozen of tactics and tools that can help you achieve your goals in the most simplified manner. Learn more about it at Exeter LikeMinds workshop. Digital Marketing is more powerful when marketing is put before digital. Learn more on how to make powerful strategies to stay ahead of your competitors from Aji Issac Mathew, CEO | Indus Net TechShu & Chief Mentor,
As a business owner, if you want to discuss your digital challenges with Aji over a cup of coffee then leave a message at Aji will be traveling to Exeter, Bristol, London, and Dubai this month.