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LifePage Career Talk on Digital Marketing


LifePage Career Talk on Digital Marketing

LifePage Career Talk on Digital Marketing

By Anubhav Gupta
[Director, ISPL Academy]


Full Talk: https://lifepage.app.link/20170610-0003
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQdobZB_3hg

By Anubhav Gupta
[Director in ISPL Academy]

What is Digital Marketing?
Anubhav Gupta: “Digital Marketing is not only a very new and upcoming industry but also one that is growing at an extremely fast pace. It is a field that I would highly recommend one to pursue. There was a time when we only came across Marketing and Advertising, either in our newspapers or on the Television, both of which are offline forms of the same. However, today even Digital Marketing, which is an online medium of Marketing and Advertising, has gained recognition.”

How I got into Digital Marketing?
Anubhav Gupta: “I have been heading an IT Company in Dehradun since the year 2000, after my graduation in the IT field. However, I have been working in the field of Digital Marketing specifically since the year 2012.”

Anubhav Gupta’s LifePage:

(Digital Marketing, Anubhav Gupta, ISPL Academy, Computers, Advertising, Mass Media, Digital Marketing, Social Media, Web Designing)

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