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Real Digital Marketing Insights for Real Businesses


Real Digital Marketing Insights for Real Businesses

No lambos, no shiny things, no private planes, just valuable digital marketing insights that actually bring results.

If you want it the other way around then you can skip this video and channel.

But if you’re fine with it then let me introduce myself.

I’m Matei from Inovagate and I help businesses generate revenue through digital marketing.

I learned it the hard way by putting my skin in the game but also did my share of corporate jobs.

So I know both sides and the many misbelieves about marketing. Some think it’s really expensive, others that it doesn’t bring results, and of course there are those who dream of making millions overnight. None of these are true.

But what is true is that with digital marketing you can bring sales, you can grow your business, and you can even build one from scratch.

Check out this channel, subscribe to it and let’s get started!

Wish you the best,
Matei Gavris
Marketing Consultant & Inovagate Founder


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