Rennes School of Business MSc in Digital Marketing and Communication
Retrouvez le REPLAY et l’ANALYSE faits par Campus-Channel de ce programme ici :
Clara KOETZ – Programme Director
Laura PARRA RUIZ – Student
Paula URREA DE AVILA – Student
00:16 The Pitch
01:35 Why study digital marketing in France, in English? The connection is not as evident as studying international politics in a foreign country. What’s the advantage?
03:46 What are you looking for in our interview? What can we expect?
06:13 Hi. How much emphasis does this program place on social media versus other online channels?
08:20 Do you offer any courses on data analytics and reporting?
10:03 I took most of the classes in your master curriculum in undergrad in the US, so is this French master the equivalent of a US bachelor?
12:28 Are there opportunities for real-world projects with companies during this program?
14:28 Three Words Max Taboo
16:43 What is life in Rennes like for students? Is the city open to foreigners?
18:14 How is creativity addressed in this program? Communication after all is about getting someone’s attention and effectively conveying a message.
19:59 How does this program address differing privacy laws between countries and regulators?
20:51 Guest change
21:19 Paula, what have been the most valuable assignments for learning and growing?
23:27 What is the international strategic management session abroad in the curriculum, and is there an extra cost?
25:30 What are the job opportunities once I graduate? Could I get a job in France?
27:19 Final Destination
29:46 What corporate partnerships do you have that help students connect with companies for internship and job opportunities?
31:48 I would like to specialize in luxury marketing. Is it possible to have a specific focus in this program?
33:07 Hello my academic background is in literature and no professional experience. Could I still be accepted into this program?
34:51 Can you tell me more about the graduating project, please? Is this a company project?
37:02 A French friend told me a candidate’s competitive edge and starting salary depends on what business school you went to. How does Rennes School of Business rank for getting jobs in Paris?
37:58 The Sweetest