Ted Rubin – Digital Marketing Trends in 2019
Digital Marketing Trends in 2019 ▶️▶️▶️
“If brands are hoping to stay relevant and keep up with the content creation phenomenon, 2019 needs to be the year of Empowering Employees to Power your Brand.
It’s plain and simple—employee censorship on social channels is a disaster for brands. We can no longer control the message folks. The social framework is “bigger and stronger” than our puny frameworks. Instead of fighting it every step of the way, USE it to your advantage, or you’ll pay a steep price in diminished return. Your employees are the best way to humanize and personalize your brand… and truly the best way to scale relevant, contextual content creation
Did you know that employee created content (ECC) receives eight times more engagement than content shared from the company itself? On top of that, employee content extends brand messaging by over 500%. Crazy, right? So why aren’t more companies getting employees engaged in content creation? It’s well known that companies with engaged employees outperform their peers; involving employees in content creation can help to create a sense of common purpose.
The truth of the matter is that the social evolution is a business evolution. Only by changing our old frameworks can we possibly hope to succeed—because social has completely altered the business landscape. #ROE… Return on Employees.
Empower your Employees and they will Power your brand.
#RetailRelevancy… #NoLetUp!”
– Ted Rubin
If you want to keep up with digital marketing trends in 2019 – click the link above – and watch the other 17 (video) prediction from top marketers!
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