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Top 7 Ways To Not Waste Money on Digital Marketing – Kickin’ it with Kapok – Episode 24


Top 7 Ways To Not Waste Money on Digital Marketing – Kickin’ it with Kapok – Episode 24

There are a lot of ways a business can waste money on digital marketing. Like with everything else in business, you need to spend your money wisely to get the best results. Jake and Mirela discuss the top seven ways they’ve seen businesses waste money on digital marketing. Learn some of the basic pitfalls of digital marketing basics like website design, search engine optimization (SEO), and paid online advertising. We’ll also explore a few of the most subtle, yet even more dangerous, ways poor digital marketing execution can have dire consequences. Discover how strategy, trackability, opportunity cost, and even reliance on gurus can decimate a business.

Read the complete episode transcript and other notes:

Top 7 Ways To Not Waste Money on Digital Marketing

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